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Ambiance Fog

This mod allows you to configure and control the generation of fog particles in specific regions of the game.


/fog renderTime (time in seconds)

Sets the time interval for generating new fog particles in a region. The time is specified in seconds.

/fog renderTime 280
Generates new fog particles, but for no lagg the best is 280.

/fog setlifetime (region name) (time in seconds)

Defines the lifetime of the particles, i.e., how long they will last before fading away.

/fog setlifetime Forest 20
Particles in the "Forest" region will last 20 seconds before disappearing.

/fog setintensity (region name) (start intensity) (average intensity) (end intensity)

Sets the intensity of the particles at three stages: when they are generated, during their lifetime, and when they fade away.

/fog setintensity Forest 0.5 0.7 0.3
In the "Forest" region, particles will have an intensity of 0.5 at generation, 0.7 during their active time, and 0.3 when they fade away.

/fog setmotion (region name) (movement in X) (movement in Y) (movement in Z)

Determines the direction and speed of the particle movement.

/fog setmotion Forest 0.0 0.1 0.0
Particles in the "Forest" region will move upwards.

/fog setspin (region name) (spin)

Sets the brightness of the particles.

/fog setspin Forest 1.0
Particles in the "Forest" region will have a brightness set to 1.0.

Density Subcommands

These subcommands configure the density of the region, dividing it into three parts: top, middle, and bottom.

  • /fog setstartdensity (region name) (density)
    Sets the opacity of the top part of the region.

  • /fog setmiddledensity (region name) (density)
    Sets the opacity of the middle part of the region.

  • /fog setenddensity (region name) (density)
    Sets the opacity of the bottom part of the region.

/fog create (NAME)

Creates a new fog region with the specified name.

/fog create Forest
Creates a fog region called "Forest".

/fog remove (NAME)

Removes the fog region with the specified name.

/fog remove Forest
Removes the fog region called "Forest".

/fog max

Selects the maximum point of a region, similar to how it’s done in WorldEdit.

/fog min

Selects the minimum point of a region, similar to how it’s done in WorldEdit.

/fog setColor (Hex color)

Sets the color of the particles in the region using a hexadecimal color code.

/fog setColor #00FF00
Sets the particle color to green (#00FF00).

Configuration Example

  1. Select the region area using /fog max and /fog min.
  2. Create the fog region with /fog create Forest.
  3. Set the lifetime of the particles with /fog setlifetime Forest 20.
  4. Adjust the particle intensity with /fog setintensity Forest 0.5 0.7 0.3.
  5. Define the particle movement with /fog setmotion Forest 0.0 0.1 0.0.
  6. Set the region density with /fog setstartdensity Forest 0.6, /fog setmiddledensity Forest 0.8, and /fog setenddensity Forest 0.4.
  7. Configure the particle color with /fog setColor #00FF00.

And that’s it! Your customized fog region is ready.

Example: Creating a Fire Fog

To create a fire-like fog effect, you can combine a large smoke fog with a smaller, bright red fog inside it. This will simulate the appearance of fire within the smoke.

Step 1: Create the Smoke Fog

  1. Select the region for the smoke fog:

    • Use /fog max to select the upper point of the region.
    • Use /fog min to select the lower point of the region.
  2. Create the smoke fog:

    • Use /fog create Smoke.
    • Set the color to gray using /fog setColor #808080.
    • Adjust the density to create a thick smoke effect:
      • /fog setstartdensity Smoke 0.7
      • /fog setmiddledensity Smoke 0.8
      • /fog setenddensity Smoke 0.7
    • Set the motion to make the smoke rise slowly:
      /fog setmotion Smoke 0.0 0.02 0.0
    • Set the particle lifetime to 280 seconds for a long-lasting effect:
      /fog setlifetime Smoke 280

Step 2: Create the Fire Fog Inside the Smoke

  1. Select the region for the fire fog:

    • This region should be smaller and inside the smoke region.
    • Use /fog max and /fog min to define the area.
  2. Create the fire fog:

    • Use /fog create Fire.
    • Set the color to bright red using /fog setColor #FF4500.
    • Set the intensity to give a glowing effect:
      • /fog setintensity Fire 0.9 0.8 0.7
    • Make the particles move slightly upwards with a flickering effect:
      /fog setmotion Fire 0.0 0.1 0.0
    • Set a shorter lifetime for the fire particles:
      /fog setlifetime Fire 60

This setup will create a realistic fire effect with red particles flickering inside a large, slow-rising cloud of smoke.

Actually, you can see the fog in action here: